Happy Mardi Gras from Skeff Distributing!

Get out your greens your yellows and your purples. Put them together, grab some beads and some friends, and celebrate Mardi Gras like Ash Wednesday will never come!

Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday – one of the funnest holidays there ever was – and we want to help you enjoy it to the fullest. After all, that’s what this day is all about. Live it up while you can because tomorrow will come and it’ll be 40-plus days of not to much fun after you’ve given up chocolate or vowed to work out 5 days a week in an effort to reinstate that New Years resolution you’ve already forgotten about.

Stock your fridge with some bottles of Budweiser, Bud Light, Michelob Ultra, and Goose Island (or any of Skeff Distributing’s other great brands) and make sure there’s something for everyone. Then, invite your friends over and enjoy the fattest of Fat Tuesday’s.

You can have some beers, eat some yummy snacks you’re likely trying to give up for the next 40 days or so, and have a blast. Toss some beads to those who bring a pack of Bud Light to the party and a “dilly dilly,” too!

Have fun, be safe, and happy Mardi Gras to all! Dilly dilly!

Bud Light on Bar

Mardi Gras: Raise One to Right Now

Couldn’t make it to New Orleans, St. Louis, or anywhere else last weekend for the pre-Mardi Gras celebrations? Have no fear. You can throw your own Mardi Gras party tomorrow for a true Fat Tuesday.

Here’s what you do.

Step 1: Invite your friends and family over. Of course, you can have a party for one, but what’s the fun in that? Live a little more in the lane of “the more the merrier.”

Step 2: Delegate the potluck items. Who’s bringing the King Cake? It’s important to have food and snacks. Someone is going to come hungry or get hungry throughout the party and you don’t want people to have to leave to ease their craving.

Step 3: Get beads, masks, decorations, etc. in purple, green, and yellow symbolizing justice, faith, and power (respectively).

Step 4 (and perhaps the most important step):  Stock up on Bud Light. Obviously, this is the essential detail to bringing everyone together, getting the party started, and keeping it going.

bud light pyramid

Now that you have all you need, you can decorate your place in purple, green, and yellow. Then you will be totally prepared for Mardi Gras. By the time you all get off work tomorrow, everyone will be ready to celebrate Fat Tuesday and you can hand them an ice cold Bud Light as they walk through the door.

Mardi Gras is all about having a good time and living in the moment before the Lenten season begins. This makes Bud Light the perfect beer to celebrate with since its history is laden with the same traditions.

Let’s raise one to right now – Happy Mardi Gras, everyone!